Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Not Existence Of God With 5 Proofs

Not existence of god with 5 proofs

Not existence of god with 5 proofs

God, I do not know the exact meaning of god. All people describe god in their ways. But in my view, there is not any god and there is no existence of god. All information that people are spreading about god is fake. The main thing is that they also not known about god. There are various reasons why I don't believe in god. But I am writing only my own views. There is no god that's my view and another thing no one made our universe nor we are directed by them. It is only our thoughts. Not the existence of god with 5 proofs. I don't want to say you also don't believe in god you all have your own views and rights so I am only writing my own views as a simple person please don't overreact in it.

Not the existence of god

1)One main thing are that still I never saw god in my life. Yes, you said that god is not visible please say me one thing if god is not visible who saw them first? You also said that they are in the hearts of every people. But in my life, I never have seen god in the hearts of many people. It is only our superstitious beliefs.

2)Great scientist Stephen Hawking also said that there is no god. Time did not exist before the big bang so there is no time for god it is like asking the direction to the edge of the earth that the earth is spherical and doesn't have an edge. He also said that no one creates a universe and none directs our fate. If god really exists what are they doing before the big bang, Can they are making hell for the people who believe god.

3)Another there is not any scientific proof to believe in god. As my own view you also do not listen and see that still, science cannot prove that there is the existence of god.

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4)We can see different pictures of god but who saw the god and make them. This is only imaginary photos there are not any existence of god. We worship different stone statues and feel that they make the god happy. Guys this is totally based on superstitious we do not get anything by worshipping god.

5)Moon is also god for us but we all know nil amastrang has stepped in the moon. Another word he can step in god but guys he was fit and fine after step in the moon. He didn't get any accident. Yes, all you all know science proved that no one creates the universe and no one is directed by fate. You all know how the universe is formed I do not say anything about that.

Yes, guys in the earth we all people are free to believe what we want so guys I believe in that there is no existence of God. All heaven god is only imagination but guys I am not that type of person to live in imagination I always want to live in the real world. Yes, you all have different views but I have written only my views. I hope you will understand and don't overreacted in it.

Hope you like it please don't forget to comments down and hope you also write your own views. I respect all views.

Monday, May 29, 2017

Mind Blowing Tips to Look Beautiful Without Makeup

Mind Blowing Tips to  Look Beautiful Without Makeup

Look Beautiful Without Makeup

Nowadays all people want to look beautiful in their life. Beauty is the attraction of people. They used a lot of money to look beautiful. From one side it increases your expenditures and another side it harms your skin. But all time there is no necessary of makeup to look beautiful we can simply look beautiful without makeup. So today I am going to say some very simple tips to look beautiful without makeup;

1)Maintain personal hygiene
--Brush your teeth daily. You all know teeth are the main centre to look beautiful so brush your teeth daily. Take bath daily .it helps you to make healthy as well as make your skin soft. Always comb your hair it also helps you to look beautiful. So guys maintain personal hygiene.

2)Drinking Water
--If you really want to look beautiful without makeup drinking water is best way to look beautiful. Drink more than 5 litres water everyday which helps you to glow your face. It is the best way to look beautiful without make up. It helps to look younger. It also helps to remove toxic substance from your body.It helps to make your skin clear. so drink more More than 5 litres water.

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3)Use Best Face Wash
--Use best face wash to wash your face twice a day. It helps to remove dirt from your face. And make your face fresh and fair. Use warm water first because it helps to open your pores then use face wash wash and wash face with cold water because when you wash your face with cold water it helps to close your Pore's. So use face wash twice a day.

Best face wash for all skin

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4)Use Cleansing and Scrubbing
--Cleansing and scrubbing helps to glow your face .Use cleansing and scrubbing twice a week .It helps to remove your dark circles and dirt. It helps to make your face fresh and fair. So use cleansing and scrubbing twice a day.

5)Eat Fruits and Vegetables
-- Eating fruits and vegetables is the best way to look beautiful without makeup .
Eat lots of fruits and green vegetables daily it helps to make your skin glow and makes you healthy and attractive.

6)Use Home packs
--Yes you can also use face packs to look beautiful. Some face packs like lemon,honey and other face packs helps to make your skin glow without any side effects. It helps to get white skin.

- Exercise plays the vital role in making beautiful and attractive without make up. You should always do regular exercise in everyday.

8)Sun Cream
- Using of sun cream to protect from sunlight  is also best way to look beautiful without makeup. You should use best sun cream which is suitable to your skin.

Yes if you really follow above tips believe you really look beautiful without any makeup. If you have any confusion comments me down.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Wonderful Tips To Look Hot And Sexier

Wonderful Tips To Look Hot And Sexier

Looking hot and sexy is something that many women aspire to, but it can be a challenging task. However, with the right tips and techniques, anyone can look and feel their best. Here are five tips to help you look hot and sexier:

Wonderful Tips To Look Hot And Sexier
Maintain Personal Hygiene: A clean body is attractive to everyone. Maintaining good personal hygiene is essential for looking hot and sexy. This includes having healthy, clean skin, clean clothes, and good breath. Grooming your hair and keeping your body clean can also boost your attractiveness.

Wear Clean and Appropriate Dress: Pay attention to what you wear, as it can have a significant impact on how hot and sexy you look. Choose clean, well-fitting clothes that flatter your body and show off your best features. It's not always necessary to wear revealing clothing to look sexy - sometimes the right outfit can be just as alluring.

Show Your Best Features: A friendly smile and good manners can go a long way in increasing your attractiveness. Show off your best features, whether it's your beautiful eyes, great figure, or winning personality.

Be Friendly To All: Being friendly and approachable can help you look and feel more sexy. While it's important to be confident and assertive, it's also essential to be kind and approachable. Showing your best side to others can boost your attractiveness.

Change Your Attitude: Your attitude can also affect how hot and sexy you look. While it's important to be confident and assertive, it's also essential to be kind and approachable. Showing different attitudes in different situations can help you look more attractive.

By following these tips and techniques, you can look and feel your best, and exude a sense of hotness and sexiness. Remember, being sexy is not just about your appearance - it's also about your attitude and how you present yourself to others.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Impress and Get the girl

Impress and Get the girl

Impress and Get the girl

All boys have desired to impress the girl. They use various tricks and ideas to impress the girls but they fail to impress the girls. You all know it is not an easy task to impress the girls but today I am going to say short very simple 5 tips to Impress and Get the girl.

1)Personal hygiene 
-Guys if you really want to impress the girls you should have good personal hygiene. Girls always attract clean guys. They don't like bad hygiene and bad smell person. Many boys don't give attention to their personal hygiene. So guys are careful
about personal hygiene. Always wear fit and clean dresses no matter if they are cheap. It is not necessary to wear expensive clothes also. The main thing is that they suited you. So guys always attention to sanitation and look good.

2)Look right sight
-You all know we are loving our mother since first sight. So guys always look eyes of girls. There is a chance of love at first sight. Always smile when you look gsirls face it should be natural not face. It also helps you to impress her. But guys never look at the wrong side and everywhere while you are talking to her.

3)Attractive and effective talking
-When you are talking to the girl there should be good talking to her which helps you to impress them. But you should not get afraid to talk to them. You should have confidence in yourself and understand her motive which helps you look like gentlemen and impress the girls simply in just a few minutes.

4)Don't Use Rough words
-You should not use any rough words in front of girls because they don't like rough word instead there is a chance of break of friendship. So you should be careful while talking to the people whom you want to impress.

Also, read

Best ways to propose the girls

5)Be good yourself
-You all to be good from your heart. You
should not fight and overconfidence in front of her because of its losses your impress from her. So guys think before to do anything. Always be disciplined, polite in front of all people which easily helps you to impress the girls simply.

 6)Show your uniqueness
-You should also show your uniqueness than others which helps to attract the girls to you. So guys always show your uniqueness to others if you really want to propose the girls.

7)Be frankly and selfless
-If you guys are frankly and selfless it is easy to impress the girls. They have alhave also easily attracted to you. So guys are selfless
and frankly, it always helps to impress the girls. Never show your
over attitude to the girls. Always be selfless from your heart. And speak politely to all it helps you to impress the girls simply.

So guys above tips help you a lot to impress the girls. If you use the above tips you are successful to impress the girls. If you have any confusion please comments me down.

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Mind Blowing 10 Tips to Get Success In Every Step Of Life

Mind Blowing 10 Tips to Get Success In Every Step Of Life

 Get Success In Every Step Of Life

SUCCESS means to achieve goal in our life. All people wants to get success in their life. But all people don't have ideas how to be successful in their life?. Every people have wish to be successful in every step of their life. You all know it is not easy to get success in life we can do a lot of hardwork , sacrifices and dedication to get success in our life. All people don't gets success While you have AdSense account and prevent it from invalid clicks otherwise it get suspended. So guys you always should check invalid clicks. in their life due to various reasons. Main reason is that they loose their hopes and their confidence. So never loose hope  and confidence in life to get success in your life. So today i am going to say Mind Blowing 10 Tips to Get Success In Every Step Of Life:

1)At first you should believe in yourself,yes you can do anything in your life  you have power to change the whole world. Always trust yourself .Trust is main thing that you get success in your life. So you should always trust on yourself you don't look to there as what they think you should you should never listen others .

2)One thing you all have one aim in your life. Without aim you cannot be successful in your. Aim is a way to get success in your life. You all know an aimless person is like an uncontrolled ship that moves in the direction of wind. So guys you should have one aim in your life which helps you to get successful in every step if your life.

3)Never looses hopes in your life. Hopeful person always get success in their life. Always be hopeful it helps to get success in every step of your life. Hope is the secret key to get success in every step of life. But guys one thing you should remember never except anything from others but guys you can wish. This world is stand in one thing that is hope. So guys never do any mistakes in your life always make a great hope which helps you to get success.

4)Always have confidence in yourself. If you should have confidence you can do everything. You can do hard work as an easier way. You can get power to do more works. Without confidence you cannot do anything in your whole life. Never things without confidence you can live . Guys in this century you should all have confidence on yourselves.

Check out this post
Impress and get the girl

How to propose the girls

5)Each seconds are very important in your life. So never waste your time for any bad work.   One second can change your life. So you there is necessary to understand the importance of time. You all know importance of time there is not necessary I say more about that. But guys always remember one thing that never thinks that time back again . It is like river never flows back . So guys you should only know one main thing in your life is that important of time.

6)-You also should quit various unhealthy behaviour like smoking,chewing tobacoo and drinking alcohol. They directly affect your mind and remember capacity. So you should need to quit unhealthy behaviour as soon as soon possible believe me it really helps to sharpen mind.

7)One thing always remember losers are always hated by society. If  you really want to get prestige you have to fight on yourself you have to show that you can do anything. Always motivated by yourself no one have time to motivated you. You have to make mind that you can get success then only it is possible you can get success.

Check out this post

8) You should have believe on yourself. If you don't have believe on yourself you cannot do anything in your. You should make believe on yourself yes I have power to get success in every step of life. It plays a vital role in your life to do anything. So guys always believe on yourself if you really want to get success.

9)You should challenge yourself it is also the best way to make your mind sharper. You should always challenge yourself as you can do anything. There is no need of getting challenging by others. As you are always winner. Challenging yourself makes your mind faster and sharpener.

10)You always listen that nothing is impossible so think that nothing is impossible in your life. I always says you that you have power to do anything in your life. You have power to change the whole world. You can also get many motivational from great scientist as they only know one things nothing is impossible in their life. So guys you also make a motive that nothing is impossible in your life.

Believe me above tips really helps to get you success in every step of your life. If you have any problems comments me down I tries mine best to solve your problems.

Friday, May 19, 2017

Create Blog Free And Earn Money

     Create Blog Free And Earn Money

Now days we see all the people are talking about blogs but all people don't know about how to create blogs and earn money .If you have also ave li about blogger sure you have interest on creating blog . If you are really interest on creating blog but you dont know how to create blog and earn money you have to enter in correct place. Today I am going to write how to Create Blog Free And Earn Money:

1)At first open the chrome and when you open chrome you see the google  search box then you can write  blogger.com in search box.

3)When you click on it you can see the the sign up in the upper corner side n create blog on middle side you can click any choices among them.

4)When you click sign up or create your blog you can see the various blanks like title and address.

4)Then write your blog name as you want in the title as BEST TIPS EVER and blog address like besttipsin.blogspot.com then select the best theme and then click on create blog.

5)When you click on create blog you can see your blog is open and ready to write your views

6)Write your views by click on new post and write title of your story and write anything good as you want

 7)When you write any then click on publish button your story was ready.

8)When you publish more than 15 good and long articles in blog and have more than 1 months  time and have good views you can apply for google AdSense account and another you should be 18+ in age  so now I am going to say for how to apply for google AdSense account.

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How to create YouTube channel and earn money

9)At first you should click on the earnings button to qualify  for google AdSense account.

10)When you clicks on the earnings you can  see google AdSense open you should enter your gmail id and click in ok. 
11)When you click on ok button you can see two blanks enter your website on first blank and select your country in second blank then click in save and continue

12)When you click on save continue button you should see various blanks like fill your address,city you should fill the blanks in right way then click on ok button you see your request is reviewing for 3

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 While you have AdSense account and prevent it from invalid clicks otherwise it get suspended. So guys you always should check invalid clicks. If you done all this if they like your blog they can accept your google AdSense but if they cannot like your blog the email you what should you do to improve your mistake so never lose your hope always try your best one day you get on the top.  If you have any problems comments me down Please visiting my other blogs too

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Top 10 Tips to Top the Exam

 Top 10 Tips to Top the Exam

 Top 10 Tips to Top the Exam
Tips to top the exam

You all have one wish to top the exam but you all don't have appropriate ideas on how to be top in the exam. Nowadays you all know the importance of education as it is the basic fundamental unit of life. Without education, we can't think about our life. You all know about the importance of education so there is no necessary to describe the importance of education. Like same, there is great importance to top the exam for various reasons like scholarship, self-respect as well as various other things. So today I am going to write about how

 Top 10 Tips to Top the Exam:

1)At first, if you really want to top the exam you should select a suitable place to read your books daily. As it is physically or mentally comfortable to you. So, guys, you need to select the best place to study.

2)You should make your time table according to your work and background another main thing that if you don't have time to follow the timetable as you have important work you can manage your time to study by expanding your timetable.

3)One main thing is that guys never lose your hope always be confident one thing remember that nothing is impossible in your life. If you lose your hope you cannot do anything in your life. So please never lose your hope always think that you can do everything in your life it helps to improve your confidence a lot.

Check out this post
Top the exam just in 7 days
How to remember every studied thing

4)Always read books at least 6 hours per day and revise books every day and another thing never forgets to revise your book which always helps us to remember your study things. It is the best way to top the exams

5)Other main important things are that don't watch your mobile and television while studying your books and if you really want to top don't scroll emails facebooks more than 2 hours per day only always focus on your study while studying books.

6)Always read easy things at first which gives you a lot of confidence to study hard things and it increases your confidence also and you interested to read the books. It is the best way to top the exam.

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How to make mind sharp
7)Never waste your important time to unnecessary talks to your friends and main important things most of the friends only lose your hope and you don't interested on your study so don't meet your any friends before the exam which don't make you feel bad.

8)Always be very active while reading books don't be too lazy always thinks that you can do everything always be more concentrate and always be very positive towards the study.

9)Never thinks any other things while reading books so it helps to save your time and you remember fast. So, guys, you should give more attention to your study.

10)Last and important thing is that you have the power to change the whole world so never lose your hope. Hope is the main thing so guys never lose your hope. Always try your best until you achieve your progress.

This much if you follow above you can do really good in your exam as well as top the exam so guys never give up before trying one day you are in the place where you always wants to be. If you have any problems please comments me down I tries my best to solve your problems.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

How Can We Top The Class Just In 7 Days

How Can We Top The Class Just In 7 Days 

Top The Class Just In 7 Days
Top the class
All people have wish to top the class. Many students don't study overall all year but they want to top the class in last those seven days. You all know how can we top the class just in 7 days  it is not an easy to top the class just in seven days .But guys you all know nothing is impossible in life . If you have any aim you can do everything no one stop you. So guys never lose your hope if you want to do anything you need fight until you don't achieve success .If you do not study full one year but you can searching how to  get top in 7 days believe me  you enters in correct place. Today I am going to say some simple tips 

How Can We Top The Class Just In 7 Days:

1) You all know you have just 7 days to top the class so guys be very concentrate to your study. Don't waste your time on other works. Always only focus on your study. Forget this world think that you are alone in this world . Read only as you can have until how much you have efficiency.

2)Study at least 8 hour in a day in one places every day. Anyhow you have studied eight hours every day. You have only seven days remaining. so guys you should be more concentrated on your study rather than other work. It is the key to top the class just in 7 days.

3)Main thing is that never lose hope one sec can change our life still we have still seven days. If you lose your hope you cannot do anything so guys never lose your hope. You all know hopeful person is a successful person in life. So if you really want to top the class you don't lose your hope.

4)Always revise the books in every 2 days to remember everything for a long time. You don't have enough time to revise books everyday so you have to revise books every 2 days which helps you to remember all things . If you remember all things it helps you a lot to top the class easily.

Check out this post
How to make mind sharpen

5)Make a timetable according to your background. It helps to you to utilize your huge time. Don't waist your time in only making timetable you have to make timetable as soon which helps you to utilize your time as well as learn every things frequently.

6)You should study easy things first which gives you  confidence to study hard. So ways try to study what you know more it helps you to remember other things easily.You should have confidence on yourself. If you don't have confidence on yourself you cannot do anything in your. You should make confidence on yourself yes I have power to remember everything. It plays a vital role in your life to do anything. So guys always confidence on yourself.
7)Guys off your mobile phone always while your study it helps to concentrate your study. Otherwise you cannot concentrated on your study more as you thinks. challange yourself as you can top the exam in seven days. It gives you more power and helps you to top the exam just in 7 days.

8)Another thing never waste your time on talking with other friends in this time they also loose your confidence in exam time. You don't get more support as you thinks from them. So you can stay one week away from them as it really helps in your study.

9)Never thinks  any other things while studying. You should forget all things which helps you concentrated more on your study.  If you remember anything wrong it only spoils your mind . So never waste your valuable things in thinking unwanted things.

10)Always be positive nothing is impossible in life never lose your hope you have power to change the world. Always believe on yourself you can do anything. you should have confidence on yourself as you can do everything in your life. As it is the key to get success in your life. So guys confidence on yourself it really helps you
to top the class.

Follows the above tips believe me guys they really helps you to top the class just in seven days .If you have any problem about how to top the class just in seven days please comments me down.

Create YouTube channel and earn money

Create a YouTube channel and earn money

Create YouTube channel and earn money

Are you looking to create a YouTube channel and earn money from it? Look no further! Here are some simple steps to get started:

First, you'll need to create a Google account. This can easily be done through your Android phone by going to settings, clicking on accounts, and signing up. Alternatively, you can sign in to YouTube using an existing Google account.

Next, open YouTube and create a channel. To do this, go to your profile and sign up for a new channel. Choose a unique name for your channel, as copying the names of popular channels will not help you gain more viewers.

Once your channel is created, it's time to start making videos. Use video editing apps to create high-quality HD content in a specific niche, such as entertainment, news, or technical information. This will help you attract more subscribers and views.

To upload your videos to YouTube, simply add them to your channel through the gallery or through other apps. Make sure to give yourself enough time to ensure the video is in HD quality. Also, be sure to write a unique title for each video to increase views.

Share your videos on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to gain more viewers and subscribers.

Once you have at least 2,000 subscribers and 10,000 views on your videos, you can apply for a Google AdSense account. This will allow you to monetize your channel through advertisements. However, keep in mind that you must be at least 18 years old to apply for AdSense and that you will be paid based on the number of views, not the number of subscribers.

To apply for AdSense, go to the monetize tab and fill out the form with accurate information. It may take up to 3 days for your application to be reviewed.

Remember, you cannot include adult content or videos depicting violence or natural disasters in your AdSense account. You must also be careful to prevent invalid clicks, as this can result in your account being suspended.

Finally, be aware that it may take some time to start earning money through your YouTube channel. Consistency and dedication are key to building a successful channel.

By following these steps, you can create a YouTube channel and start earning money through advertisements. Keep creating high-quality content and promoting your channel, and you'll be on your way to success.